Services for the tourism industry

Perso­na­li­zed document production

Address your tour parti­ci­pants via the desired channel and provide them with perso­na­li­zed offers.

Effici­ent data cleansing

We make sure that what you send arrives depen­da­bly, regard­less of which dispatch channel you choose.

Custo­mi­zed commu­ni­ca­ti­ons via chatbot

Make the most of every contact with custo­mi­zed commu­ni­ca­tion solutions.
It takes an average of 15.2 hours for a custo­mer-service request to be answered.
of compa­nies are able to respond indivi­du­ally to custo­mers in their respec­tive situations.
of custo­mers are dissa­tis­fied with the perfor­mance and effici­ency of custo­mer data management.

Perso­na­li­zed document production

In the extre­mely compe­ti­tive tourism indus­try, high-quality services beyond the travel experi­ence are the basis for firm custo­mer loyalty and sustainable success. Catering indivi­du­ally to thousands of custo­mers in this way is a special chall­enge for travel agencies.

Connext Cube offers you exten­sive possi­bi­li­ties of custo­mi­zing travel documents, booklets, adver­ti­sing material etc. while optimi­zing costs. Process all orders centrally with a platform-indepen­dent software solution, address your guests via the desired channel, and provide them with perso­na­li­zed offers thanks to flexi­ble control of supplements.

Effici­ent data cleansing

Correct data are a prere­qui­site for perso­nally addres­sing your custo­mers. We make sure that what you send arrives depen­da­bly – regard­less of which dispatch channel you choose. We check the acces­si­bi­lity of phone numbers and online mailbo­xes by pinging, regis­ter erron­eous data records and correct them before dispatch.

We recognize undeli­vera­ble e‑mails via bounce manage­ment, and send you this infor­ma­tion as a report. Shipments are automa­ti­cally trans­fer­red for printing the follo­wing day, and sent by post. Incor­rect or invalid residen­tial addres­ses on postal consign­ments are matched with Deutsche Post’s databa­ses, and the shipments redirec­ted accordingly. 

Icon Kommunikation

Custo­mi­zed commu­ni­ca­ti­ons via chatbot

Dialog Bird, Formware’s chatbot is a custo­mi­zed commu­ni­ca­tion solution allowing you to make the most of every contact. Travel­lers no longer have to langu­ish in phone queues or wait for answers to e‑mail requests.

Provide passen­gers directly with forgot­ten documents via the chat module, and take the oppor­tu­nity to automa­ti­cally provide valuable tips and attrac­tive offers. Regis­ter complaints quickly and easily, and offer passen­gers perso­na­li­zed services as compen­sa­tion based on your custo­mer data. Increase custo­mer satis­fac­tion through indivi­dual service, without signi­fi­cant additio­nal effort for your employees.

GIF Chatbot EVU Tourism