Services for telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion providers

Icon Prozessoptimierung

Process optimiza­tion

We help you optimize your entire output proces­ses and meet the needs of your customers.

Custo­mer service

Support your service staff in their daily tasks and provide your custo­mers with excel­lent service.

Custo­mer communications

Inspire your custo­mers beyond the pure product experi­ence, and make the most of every contact.

Process optimiza­tion

Icon Outputmanagement

Optimi­zed output management

We help you meet your custo­mers’ needs here. In addition to the classi­cal postal channel, we support you in digitiz­ing the dispatch of invoices and indivi­dual connec­tion records, for example.

More about Connext Cube. 

We take over layout tasks in all catego­ries: From small adjus­t­ments for optimiza­tion of shipping, through mainten­ance of existing layouts, to comple­tely new develo­p­ments jointly with you.

Graphic SMS Connext Cube

Optimize cash flow and reduce costs

Flexi­ble output manage­ment encou­ra­ges payment and contri­bu­tes to your company’s positive cash flow.

Prepare indivi­dual remin­ders of speci­fic tonali­ties and appro­priate designs accor­ding to custo­mer history and total debt.

Use e‑mails and SMS as comple­men­tary channels in addition to postal letters, and thereby signi­fi­cantly improve your custo­mers’ payment behaviour.

Icon Outputmanagement

Indepen­dent handling thanks to a portal application

Via our portal appli­ca­tion, you can manage numerous settings independently and thus meet recipi­ent-speci­fic requi­re­ments at all times. From the intui­tive appli­ca­tion menu, simply select the desired confi­gu­ra­ti­ons. You have a choice of various, indivi­du­ally edita­ble templa­tes for shipment tonality and design. This ensures that you achieve the desired effect on the recipient.

Custo­mer service

Excel­lent custo­mer support

Hotlines often prove to be a bottlen­eck in other­wise good custo­mer service. Smooth access to custo­mer data in a matter of seconds is crucial here. The Mobile View browser appli­ca­tion allows your service employees to access data from a revision-proof archive at our company’s own compu­ting centre at light­ning speed.

As a web app, Mobile View also offers your custo­mers easy access to their perso­nal online account as well as an overview of invoices, indivi­dual connec­tion records, credits and order confir­ma­ti­ons. Once the documents have been made available in the online mailbox, your custo­mers automa­ti­cally receive a notifi­ca­tion via the desired channel: E‑mail, SMS or an alter­na­tive messa­ging service.

GIF Customer Experience
Bild Portalanwendung Connext Cube

Relieve call centres through intel­li­gent dispatch planning

Via our portal appli­ca­tion, control digital dispatch by apply­ing time inter­vals accor­ding to the desired classi­fi­ca­tion – for example, accor­ding to federal state or custo­mer group. By proac­tively countering exces­sive peak times and thereby incre­asing the quality and effici­ency of your custo­mer service, you avoid overload on your call centre’s staff.

Custo­mer communications

Please custo­mers and maximize utiliza­tion of contacts

Compe­ti­tion in the telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion sector’s tariff maze is fierce. This makes it all the more important to please custo­mers beyond the pure product experience.

Dialog Bird, Formware’s chatbot, makes life easier for you and your custo­mers. Endless waiting periods with questi­ons about tariffs, invoices or indivi­dual connec­tion records are repla­ced by easy-going chats. Switcho­vers between tariffs are charac­te­ri­zed no longer by annoy­ing bureau­cracy, but casual conver­sa­tion – naturally around the clock and readily also in English or Turkish.

Make maximum use of every custo­mer contact and replace terse custo­mer monolo­gues with insightful inter­ac­tions. This way, you learn more about your custo­mers’ wishes, and can place indivi­dual, additio­nal offers. 

GIF Chatbot EVU Telecommunication